About Us
The magic-filled journey of the Voeux brand begins in the town of La Boule, 2 hours away from Paris, where Julien Martin, who was born and raised in Paris, spent his summers with his grandmother during his childhood. The reason for Julien’s excitement, who is looking forward to the arrival of summer, is not only the dreamy atmosphere of the town. Some of them were delicious meals cooked by his grandmother, Jeannette. Julien Martin’s interest in gastronomy began in those days. This journey of taste, which started with young vegetables collected from the garden every day, continued with the wonderful time spent in the kitchen with Jeannette and ended at pleasant tables. No matter how much Julien asked about the source of this taste, his grandmother would tell him that it was a secret and that she would share it with him when the time came, making him even more excited.
After dozens of summers, Julien grew up and took his future wife to the farmhouse in La Boule to meet Jeannette. Jeannette was again introducing the young couple, who had created wonders in the kitchen, to delicious food. After the enjoyable time spent at the table, Jeannette came to the couple with a black cast iron pot in her hand. It was the right time for her to share her secret. Giving the cast iron pot to the young couple, Jeannette said, ‘The secret of my meals is this pot itself, now you too can cook delicious meals together in your new life.’ said. Julien Martin and his wife, who live in many different cities around the world, never leave their cast iron pots with them.
Julien Martin, who wants to introduce these cast iron pots, which allow cooking all kinds of meals that are both healthy and delicious, to all food lovers, established a new brand by uniting with Sertan Beyazıt Battal and Erçin Aras, who are also lovers of gastronomy and stylish tables. They named the brand
Voeux (Vöö), which means ‘Wish and desire’, in dedication to delicious meals and good times. In a short time, the Voeux brand produced pots made of 100 percent ore iron and pans that brought the taste of barbecue to your kitchen. These products, which were highly appreciated by all users, were accompanied by elite utility knives and stylish table presentation products. And now Voeux is ready to meet you. How about joining this delicious journey starting from the town of France without wasting any time?
In memory of Madame Jeanette Barbas, with love…