

Preparation; 20 min. Cooking 15 min.

Ingredients you need to make Fajita for one person;
200 gr Ribeye
1 Capia pepper (julienne chopped)
1 Pepper (julienne chopped)
½ California pepper (julienned)
1 Onion (julienned)
2 cloves of garlic (thinly sliced)
20 g butter
Salt, Black Pepper
1 teaspoon Fajita Seasoning (Optional)
1 Tortilla Bread

For Marinating the Meat;
1 Clove of Garlic (Thinly sliced)
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1 sprig of fresh thyme
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
½ teaspoon cumin
As Much Salt As You Wish

Let’s start if you are ready;

Refrigerate your ribeye meat in the marinade for half an hour. Meanwhile, heat your Voeux Cast Iron Pan over low heat. And saute the vegetables in your cast iron skillet respectively. Do not forget to season the vegetables with salt and pepper. Set your vegetables aside and seal your meat without cleaning your pan at all. While cooking your meat, you can optionally sprinkle Fajita Seasoning evenly on both sides. The most important feature of Fajita is that it is served as soon as it is cooked. Voeux Marianne Roasting Pan will be your biggest helper in serving this dish. Heat the cast part of the Marianne on the stove over low heat for a week. Put the vegetables you set aside on the warmed Marianne, place the meat you cut on it. And finally, of course, place the tortilla bread on top of your cast iron roast. Serve without waiting while it sizzles. You can increase the recipe according to the number of people. Don’t forget to share your recipes with us on @voeuxkitchenware. Bon Appetit!